car accident

Electric Contractor's Driver Denies He Caused Chain Accident -- We Prove He is Wrong

NOTE: This article is part of our ongoing series highlighting recent cases.

In a case involving an intrastate carrier, a truck that operates only within the State of Georgia, our attorneys were successful in reaching a recovery worth several hundred thousand dollars for a client who had suffered a head injury after she was struck by a custom-built electrical contractor company's truck early one evening in traffic.  Our client sustained a moderate head injury that required several months of treatment and physical therapy and she recovered very nicely.  Regardless, she was out a lot of money for her medical expenses and was unable to work for several weeks following her injury and needed to recover for those lost wages as well. 

The accident involved a total of five vehicles.  During the course of the initial liability investigation the driver of the truck claimed he did not make contact with our client's vehicle, but had swerved to miss her and struck the retaining wall.  The driver claimed that our client had unexpectedly slowed her vehicle down while on the highway and he wound up running up close to her and attempted to avoid her by swerving.  He also maintained the damage to her vehicle came as she attempted to avoid his vehicle by maneuvering into the lane of travel on her right-hand side and wound up being involved in an accident with two other vehicles. 

We immediately demanded that the electrical carrier preserve the truck in its current, post-accident state, without making any repairs.   Our attorneys then went,  personally, and conducted an inspection of the truck involved in the vehicle, as well as our client's vehicle before any repairs were made.  We were able to, utilizing photographs, demonstrate that the damage and paint transfers were consistent with our client's version of events that her vehicle had been struck in the rear driver side by the electrical contractor's truck and that action had pushed her vehicle into the right-hand lane of travel causing the contact with the other vehicles.  Once we were able to prove this chain of events, which was done without an expert, we were able to settle our client's case for an appropriate value given the nature of her injuries for an amount that was more than fair given the nature of her injuries and the conduct of the driver in calling into question or client's correct version of events.

Some of Our Significant Cases

Many other law firms post their larger or more significant cases on their websites in an effort to inform potential clients of their skill level and prowess in handling a significant matter such as an accident involving a large truck or bus.  We have also had similar large successes.  For example, in the past 18 months we have settled a bad faith case arising out of an accident involving a truck accident with an insurance company for $700k (7x the available limits), represented a family in the wrongful death of their father when he was died following a traffic accident and recovered $1.35 million for his widow and estate and we recently won a $750k arbitration award in a case involving a single vehicle roll over with a serious product defect, where the driver was alleged to be drunk (now on appeal).  These are in addition to other cases we have successfully resolved for our clients during this time. 

We feel compelled to be able to show you some of our more significant cases as well, so you can see our experience in handling similar cases to yours and understand how successful we can be in handling your case while providing value to you that other attorneys may not be able to.   

We do so, however, with slight trepidation and a disclaimer. 

Our hesitation in identifying only some of the larger cases that we have handled as significant is that we fear it diminishes the significance of every client's case that we have handled. In all honesty, to each individual client their case is very important and it is, therefore, significant to us. What we have tried to compile in all case-related articles is examples of a few cases that our lawyers have been involved with that show the range and depth of our experience level, our legal creativity and how we can utilize these skills in enhancing our clients’ cases and make sure that they are compensated appropriately.  With these reservations in mind, the following are some of our more recent success stories:

The Cardboard Sign Case

In a case that was recently covered by one of the local newspapers, our lawyers were instrumental in tracking down a  witness to an accident caused when a truck backed into our client's lane of travel.  Without a witness able to corroborate our client's version of events his claims would never be honored by any insurance carriers and there was plenty of insurance money available to cover his claims. 

Our client was traveling to work one day and as he was doing so a truck loaded down with material was backing up into the streets in an effort to make a U-turn across the roadway.  In doing so the driver of the truck couldn't see our client approaching because our client was approaching through a blind spot or "no zone."  As the truck continued to back up the client took evasive maneuvers on his motorcycle trying to move one way around the truck and when he was foreclosed from doing so, he attempted to go the other way as well.  Neither option worked and as the maneuvers failed to protect him he was forced to lay down his motorcycle and was seriously injured in the crash.  The truck drove off and all the client could remember, for quite some time, was that he recalled a red vehicle behind him while he was coming down the street and a nurse who was able to help him at the accident site. 

Our attorneys were the second group of lawyers on the case and the first to walk the accident scene and roadway.  Immediately we realized that if you were traveling this roadway you had a reason to be there and that 80% of the traveling public on the road was likely to be locals.  We thought a sign on the road looking for the missing witness might do the trick -- AND IT DID.  We were able to settle the case for $275k and you can read about it in the article published by the Fulton County Daily Report here:


Video Leads to Large Settlement

The photo below memorializes one of the most crazy cases we have been able to settle.  We got the video because our client and his friends were out one day hoping to videotape each other having a good time riding their motorcycles and doing tricks, like wheelies, and other things. So as our client was rolling by, he took a video.

The aftermath of the accident was that our client went to the hospital with a broken leg that required surgical repair.  He had no health insurance and big, outstanding medical bills.  He was also credited with causing the accident and charged with reckless driving by the officer who arrived at the accident and conducted the investigation.  As part of our "from ticket to trial" philosophy, we handled the client's traffic citations as part of his personal injury case and were able to successfully have those charges dismissed.

One other lawyer turned down the case cold and another closed the file once he got a letter from the insurance company denying the claim.  When we looked at the video, in our FREE INITAL CONSULTATION, we did so on a frame by frame basis.  When we did we came across the frame below and we thought we might be successful with the case. 

See, the single frame capture clearly shows a yellow light several moments after the accident with dust and debris still flying around.  It was pretty clear that our client still had the right of way at the time of the accident and he didn't cause the collision. 

Shortly after we sent the video and screen capture along with a revised demand letter, we were able to force a settlement for enough money to satisfy the outstanding medical billings, the client's lost wages and money for his pain and suffering.  In this case a photo was worth not only a thousand words, but instead also worth many thousands and thousands of dollars.


Complicated Settlement for Two-Year-Old Boy

Our attorneys successfully negotiated a settlement for a 2-year-old boy who suffered head injuries in an accident.  The injuries were relatively minor, given his very young age, and after periodic monitoring for six months with a doctor he was fully discharged.  The facts of his case were similar to many accidents and the ultimate settlement was an amount that was appropriate for the nature and type of injuries the child suffered. 

We point this case out to people interested in reading about our skills and abilities because of this client's young age.  A settlement for a child under the age of 18 must be approved by a court and many times needs to be structured appropriately. Additionally, the court will need to obtain from the client's attorney certain assurances that the money will be properly maintained for child's use and benefit and spent only for those purposes.  In other words they are required by law to make sure that the adults in the child's life aren't going to go off spending his money on themselves, cars, or their "toys." 

In this particular case we were able to successfully structure the settlement so as to satisfy all of the outstanding medical bills and health insurance claims that were made against the settlement funds.  We were also able to provide a small, lump-sum, payment to the family immediately and structure the rest of the settlement monies in such a way as to ensure adequate amounts of monies would be available to him for college tuition and expenses.  His parents also wanted to make sure there would be an additional payment to this young man some several years past his college graduation, hopefully to finance his first home purchase.  Our attorneys worked very closely with the family in structuring these benchmarks that were important to them.  We also worked closely with funding companies we have working relationships with to make sure that the structure the family wanted to put in place for the funds was not only attainable and appropriate, but that the money would be invested with appropriate financial companies to ensure that the monies would still be there in 20 years when the child is supposed to receive them.  Our contacts and knowledge level in working on cases like this can be a benefit to you and your children who have been involved in accidents and we are more than happy to explore these possibilities with you.